I love food.  I can't explain why it is one of the top five things that I will go to great lengths to experience.  I am not a chef, nor am I really even a good cook.  I can follow a recipe just like anyone else with half a brain, but when I try to branch out on my own the results have been disastrous - ever tried to make mac and cheese with Cheez its?  No, I didn't think so.  

So when I sat down to write this post, I was thinking about what it is exactly that makes me crave the Food Network and Gourmet magazine so much.  One thing about Gourmet is that they have the most amazing food photos - the colors, the textures, the scenery.  Being an artist it is not so much about eating as it is about learning about the artist - or chef - in this case.  HOW do they come up with these things?  On that note, here are the top 5 foods that have blown my mind here in NYC:

1. Esca's crudo sampler, crudo is a raw fish dish dressed simply with olive oil, sea salt, and citrus juices.  In cases such as this, simple is the key. 

2. Momofuko ssam bar's pork buns.  I know that these buns are on hundreds of New Yorkers top 5 lists, but I just can't help myself. They really are that good. 

3. Cafe Mogador's vegetable couscous.  This is the most affordable of the 5 but that does not mean it is any less delicious than the others.  The vegetable stock that the couscous is cooked in is other worldly.  Not too salty, like so many other stocks, with the perfect amount of moisture. 

4. May Wah Vegetarian Food Inc.'s veggie lamb mutton.  Sounds SO strange, I know. And this is a grocery store, so you have to buy it frozen and cook it at home.  But trust me, you will not be disappointed.  The store is on Hester St. in Chinatown. 

5. Last but not least, for dessert, Pure Food and Wines' Mint Sundae.  As delicious as this is, you MUST share it.  Human beings are only able to consume so much mint in one sitting.  The cashew nut ice cream is sent from god. I went there with a friend one night and we ordered 2 martinis and this sundae as our dinner. No regrets!  See below: 

So now when you watch Iron Chef America and ask yourself why are people like Issac Mizrahi on the panel of judges, just remember designers have a lot to say and feel about food too. 


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