Haruki Murakami

A recent trip to the Morgan Library & Museum revitalized my need to be creative. So much so that I have thought about little else. And I am posting here for the first time in month. There was an artist's bio that stated that he was inspired by the books he was reading at the time. Sure we all think about books when we seek out reference material. But after reading that, I revisited one of my favorite authors books. Here is a quote from the book I chose:

"Refreshed, I boiled some cauliflower, which I ate along with a beer. I put on Arthur Prysock backed by the Count Basie Orchestra. An unabashedly gorgeous record. Bought sixteen years before. Once upon a time. After that I slept. Just enough sleep to say I'd been somewhere and back, maybe thirty minutes." Excerpt from "Dance Dance Dance" by Haruki Murakami 1994

You can put yourself in the scene wholly because we have all been there. Lost in a sea of good music eating solo. I can put myself there the next time I paint. And after conducting research on Arthur Prysock (which I did when I first read this book a year ago) you should put some of his music on while creating - ANYTHING at all. Download of choice: "Ebb Tide" Here is the wikipedia about him too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Prysock


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